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WireGraphService Configuration Format

This document describes the configuration format for the WireGraphService component.

The WireGraphService configuration contains all the information related to the Wire Graph topology and rendering properties. The pid of the WireGraphService configuration is org.eclipse.kura.wire.graph.WireGraphService.

The WireGraphService configuration represents the current graph layout as a single string typed property named WireGraph that represents a serialized JSON representation of a WireGraph object.

JSON definitions


An object representing a Wire Component position.


  • x: number
  • optional If not specified, 0.0 will be used as default value The x coordinate of the Wire Component inside the graph canvas
  • y: number
  • optional If not specified, 0.0 will be used as default value The y coordinate of the Wire Component inside the graph canvas

  "x": 40,
  "y": 0
  "x": 1.5


An object that specifies custom names for Wire Component input and output ports. The properties name for this object must be represented as an integer starting from 0, matching the index of the port whose name needs to be assigned. If the property name is not specified, the default port name will be used.


  • _portIndex: string The name for the port of index _portIndex

  "0": "foo",
  "1": "bar"


An object describing some Wire Component rendering parameters like position and custom port names.


  • position: object
  • optional If not specified the component coordinates will be set to 0.0.
  • inputPortNames: object
  • optional If not specified, the default input port names will be used.
  • outputPortNames: object
  • optional If not specified, the default output port names will be used.

  "inputPortNames": {},
  "outputPortNames": {
    "0": "foo",
    "1": "bar"
  "position": {
    "x": 40,
    "y": 0
  "inputPortNames": {},
  "outputPortNames": {
    "0": "foo",
    "1": "bar"
  "position": {
    "x": 40,
    "y": 0


An object that describes a Wire Component that is part of a Wire Graph


  • pid: string The Wire Component pid
  • inputPortCount: number An integer reporting the number of input ports of the Wire Component.
  • outputPortCount: number An integer reporting the number of output ports of the Wire Component.
  • renderingProperties: object
  • optional If not specified, the default rendering properties will be used

  "inputPortCount": 1,
  "outputPortCount": 2,
  "pid": "cond",
  "renderingProperties": {
    "inputPortNames": {},
    "outputPortNames": {
      "0": "foo",
      "1": "bar"
    "position": {
      "x": 40,
      "y": 0
  "inputPortCount": 0,
  "outputPortCount": 1,
  "pid": "timer",
  "renderingProperties": {
    "inputPortNames": {},
    "outputPortNames": {},
    "position": {
      "x": -220,
      "y": -20


An object that describes a Wire connecting two Wire Components.


  • emitter: string The pid of the emitter component.
  • emitterPort: number The index of the output port of the emitter component that is connected to this Wire.
  • receiver: string The pid of the receiver component.
  • receiverPort: number The index of the input port of the receiver component that is connected to this Wire.
  "emitter": "timer",
  "emitterPort": 0,
  "receiver": "cond",
  "receiverPort": 0


An object that describes the topology and rendering properties of a Wire Graph


  • components: array The list of the wire components contained in the Wire Graph
  • wires: array The list of Wires contained in the Wire Graph
    • array elements: object
    • Wire
  "components": [
      "inputPortCount": 0,
      "outputPortCount": 1,
      "pid": "timer",
      "renderingProperties": {
        "inputPortNames": {},
        "outputPortNames": {},
        "position": {
          "x": -220,
          "y": -20
      "inputPortCount": 1,
      "outputPortCount": 2,
      "pid": "cond",
      "renderingProperties": {
        "inputPortNames": {},
        "outputPortNames": {
          "0": "foo",
          "1": "bar"
        "position": {
          "x": 40,
          "y": 0
  "wires": [
      "emitter": "timer",
      "emitterPort": 0,
      "receiver": "cond",
      "receiverPort": 0