How to Use Serial Ports
This section provides an example of how to create a Kura bundle that will communicate with a serial device. In this example, you will communicate with a simple terminal emulator to demonstrate both transmitting and receiving data. You will learn how to perform the following functions:
Create a plugin that communicates to serial devices
Export the bundle
Install the bundle on the remote device
Test the communication with minicom where, minicom is acting as an attached serial device such as an NFC reader, GPS device, or some other ASCII-based communication device
Use an embedded device running Kura with two available serial ports. (If the device does not have a serial port, USB to serial adapters can be used.)
Ensure minicom is installed on the embedded device.
Serial Communication with Kura
This section of the tutorial covers setting up the hardware, determining serial port device nodes, implementing the basic serial communication bundle, deploying the bundle, and validating its functionality. After completing this section, you should be able to communicate with any ASCII-based serial device attached to a Kura-enabled embedded gateway. In this example, we are using ASCII for clarity, but these same techniques can be used to communicate with serial devices that communicate using binary protocols.
Hardware Setup
Your setup requirements will depend on your hardware platform. At a minimum, you will need two serial ports with a null modem serial, crossover cable connecting them.
If your platform has integrated serial ports, you only need to connect them using a null modem serial cable.
If you do not have integrated serial ports on your platform, you will need to purchase USB-to-Serial adapters. It is recommended to use a USB-to-Serial adapter with either the PL2303 or FTDI chipset, but others may work depending on your hardware platform and underlying Linux support. Once you have attached these adapters to your device, you can attach the null modem serial cable between the two ports.
Determine Serial Device Nodes
This step is hardware specific. If your hardware device has integrated serial ports, contact your hardware device manufacturer or review the documentation to find out how the ports are named in the operating system. The device identifiers should be similar to the following:
If you are using USB-to-Serial adapters, Linux usually allocates the associated device nodes dynamically at the time of insertion. In order to determine what they are, run the following command at a terminal on the embedded gateway:
Depending on your specific Linux implementation, other possible log files may be: /var/log/kern.log, /var/log/kernel, or /var/log/dmesg.
With the above command running, insert your USB-to-Serial adapter. You should see output similar to the following:
root@localhost:/root> tail -f /var/log/syslog
Aug 15 18:43:47 localhost kernel: usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
Aug 15 18:43:47 localhost kernel: pl2303 3-2:1.0: pl2303 converter detected
Aug 15 18:43:47 localhost kernel: usb 3-2: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB10
In this example, our device is a PL2303-compatible device and is
allocated a device node of “/dev/ttyUSB10”. While your results may
differ, the key is to identify the “tty” device that was allocated. For
the rest of this tutorial, this device will be referred to as
[device_node_1], which in this example is /dev/ttyUSB10. During
development, it is also important to keep in mind that these values are
dynamic; therefore, from one boot to the next and one insertion to the
next, these values may change. To stop ‘tail’ from running in your
console, escape with ‘
If you are using two USB-to-Serial adapters, repeat the above procedure for the second serial port. The resulting device node will be referred to as [device_node_2].
Implement the Bundle
Now that you have two serial ports connected to each other, you are ready to implement the code. You will use the same general method that is described in section Hello World Application with the following exceptions:
- process to export the OSGi bundle will have an additional step,
- the actual code in this example will have the following differences:
- The new Plug-in Project is named “org.eclipse.kura.example.serial”
- A class named “SerialExample” is created in the org.eclipse.kura.example.serial project
- The following bundles are included in the Automated Management of Dependencies section in the MANIFEST.MF:
- javax.comm
- org.eclipse.kura.comm
- org.eclipse.kura.configuration
- org.osgi.service.component
- org.slf4j
The following files need to be implemented:
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF – OSGI manifest that describes the bundle and its dependencies
OSGI-INF/component.xml – declarative services definition that describe what services are exposed and consumed by this bundle
OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample.xml – configuration description of the bundle and its parameters, types, and defaults
- – main implementation class
The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file should appear as shown below when complete:
NOTE: Whitespace is significant in this file. Make sure yours matches this file exactly with the exception that RequiredExecutionEnvironment may be JavaSE-1.6 or JavaSE-1.7, depending on the Java installation of your device.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Serial
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.kura.example.serial
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7
Service-Component: OSGI-INF/component.xml
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Import-Package: javax.comm;version="1.2.0",;resolution:=optional,;version="0.2.0",
Bundle-ClassPath: .
In addition, the file should have listed as an additional bundle similar to below:
OSGI-INF/component.xml File
Starting from Kura 3.0, the configuration service will only track "relevant services" that, in their component description files, will provide the ConfigurableComponent or SelfConfigurableComponent interface. The old behavior can be restored by setting the "org.eclipse.kura.core.configuration.legacyServiceTracking" property to true.
If Kura 2.1.0 or older versions are used or the org.eclipse.kura.core.configuration.legacyServiceTracking
system property is set to true, the OSGI-INF/component.xml should appear as shown below when complete:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
name="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample" activate="activate"
deactivate="deactivate" modified="updated" enabled="true" immediate="true"
<implementation class="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
<property name="" type="String" value="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
<provide interface="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
<reference bind="setConnectionFactory" cardinality="1..1"
interface="" name="ConnectionFactory"
policy="static" unbind="unsetConnectionFactory" />
If Kura 3.0 or newer versions are used and the org.eclipse.kura.core.configuration.legacyServiceTracking
system property is set to false or not set, the OSGI-INF/component.xml should appear as shown below when complete:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr=""
name="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample" activate="activate"
deactivate="deactivate" modified="updated" enabled="true" immediate="true"
<implementation class="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
<property name="" type="String" value="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
<provide interface="org.eclipse.kura.configuration.ConfigurableComponent"/>
<reference bind="setConnectionFactory" cardinality="1..1"
interface="" name="ConnectionFactory"
policy="static" unbind="unsetConnectionFactory" />
OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample.xml File
The OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample.xml file should appear as shown below when complete:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MetaData xmlns="" localization="en_us">
<OCD id="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"
description="Example of a Configuring KURA Application echoing data read from the serial port.">
<Icon resource="" size="32"/>
<AD id="serial.device"
description="Name of the serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyUSB0)."/>
<AD id="serial.baudrate"
<Option label="9600" value="9600"/>
<Option label="19200" value="19200"/>
<Option label="38400" value="38400"/>
<Option label="57600" value="57600"/>
<Option label="115200" value="115200"/>
<AD id=""
description="Data bits.">
<Option label="7" value="7"/>
<Option label="8" value="8"/>
<AD id="serial.parity"
<Option label="none" value="none"/>
<Option label="even" value="even"/>
<Option label="odd" value="odd"/>
<AD id="serial.stop-bits"
description="Stop bits.">
<Option label="1" value="1"/>
<Option label="2" value="2"/>
<Designate pid="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample">
<Object ocdref="org.eclipse.kura.example.serial.SerialExample"/>
</MetaData> File
The file should appear as shown below when complete:
package org.eclipse.kura.example.serial;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class SerialExample implements ConfigurableComponent {
private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerialExample.class);
private static final String SERIAL_DEVICE_PROP_NAME= "serial.device";
private static final String SERIAL_BAUDRATE_PROP_NAME= "serial.baudrate";
private static final String SERIAL_DATA_BITS_PROP_NAME= "";
private static final String SERIAL_PARITY_PROP_NAME= "serial.parity";
private static final String SERIAL_STOP_BITS_PROP_NAME= "serial.stop-bits";
private ConnectionFactory m_connectionFactory;
private CommConnection m_commConnection;
private InputStream m_commIs;
private OutputStream m_commOs;
private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor m_worker;
private Future<?> m_handle;
private Map<String, Object> m_properties;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Dependencies
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
this.m_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
public void unsetConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
this.m_connectionFactory = null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Activation APIs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
protected void activate(ComponentContext componentContext, Map<String,Object> properties) {"Activating SerialExample...");
m_worker = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
m_properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
doUpdate(properties);"Activating SerialExample... Done.");
protected void deactivate(ComponentContext componentContext) {"Deactivating SerialExample...");
// shutting down the worker and cleaning up the properties
//close the serial port
closePort();"Deactivating SerialExample... Done.");
public void updated(Map<String,Object> properties) {"Updated SerialExample...");
doUpdate(properties);"Updated SerialExample... Done.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Called after a new set of properties has been configured on the service
private void doUpdate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
try {
for (String s : properties.keySet()) {"Update - "+s+": "+properties.get(s));
// cancel a current worker handle if one if active
if (m_handle != null) {
//close the serial port so it can be reconfigured
//store the properties
//reopen the port with the new configuration
//start the worker thread
m_handle = m_worker.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (Throwable t) {
s_logger.error("Unexpected Throwable", t);
private void openPort() {
String port = (String) m_properties.get(SERIAL_DEVICE_PROP_NAME);
if (port == null) {"Port name not configured");
int baudRate = Integer.valueOf((String) m_properties.get(SERIAL_BAUDRATE_PROP_NAME));
int dataBits = Integer.valueOf((String) m_properties.get(SERIAL_DATA_BITS_PROP_NAME));
int stopBits = Integer.valueOf((String) m_properties.get(SERIAL_STOP_BITS_PROP_NAME));
String sParity = (String) m_properties.get(SERIAL_PARITY_PROP_NAME);
int parity = CommURI.PARITY_NONE;
if (sParity.equals("none")) {
parity = CommURI.PARITY_NONE;
} else if (sParity.equals("odd")) {
parity = CommURI.PARITY_ODD;
} else if (sParity.equals("even")) {
parity = CommURI.PARITY_EVEN;
String uri = new CommURI.Builder(port)
try {
m_commConnection = (CommConnection) m_connectionFactory.createConnection(uri, 1, false);
m_commIs = m_commConnection.openInputStream();
m_commOs = m_commConnection.openOutputStream();" open");
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to open port " + port, e);
private void cleanupPort() {
if (m_commIs != null) {
try {"Closing port input stream...");
m_commIs.close();"Closed port input stream");
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Cannot close port input stream", e);
m_commIs = null;
if (m_commOs != null) {
try {"Closing port output stream...");
m_commOs.close();"Closed port output stream");
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Cannot close port output stream", e);
m_commOs = null;
if (m_commConnection != null) {
try {"Closing port...");
m_commConnection.close();"Closed port");
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Cannot close port", e);
m_commConnection = null;
private void closePort() {
private void doSerial() {
if (m_commIs != null) {
try {
int c = -1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (m_commIs != null) {
if (m_commIs.available() != 0) {
c =;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// on reception of CR, publish the received sentence
if (c==13) {
s_logger.debug("Received serial input, echoing to output: " + sb.toString());
String dataRead = sb.toString();
//echo the data to the output stream
//reset the buffer
sb = new StringBuilder();
} else if (c!=10) {
sb.append((char) c);
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Cannot read port", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
s_logger.error("Cannot close buffered reader", e);
Export the Bundle
To build the Serial Example bundle as a stand-alone OSGi plugin, right-click the project and select Export.
From the wizard, select Plug-in Development | Deployable plug-ins and fragments and click Next.
The Export window appears. Under Available Plug-ins and Fragments, verify that the newly created plug-in is selected.
Under Destination, select the Directory option button and use the Browse button to select an appropriate place to save the JAR file on the local file system.
You will need to know the location where this JAR file is saved for the deployment process.
Under Options, select the checkbox Use class files compiled in the workspace in addition to the checkboxes already enabled, and click Finish.
Doing so will create a JAR file in the selected directory (e.g., /home/joe/myPlugins/plugins/org.eclipse.kura.example.serial_1.0.0.201410311510.jar).
Deploy the Bundle
In order to proceed, you need to know the IP address of your embedded gateway that is running Kura. Once you have this IP address, follow the mToolkit instructions for installing a single bundle to a remote target device (refer to section 2.03 Testing and Deploying Bundles).
Once the installation successfully completes, you should see a message from the /var/log/kura.log file indicating that the bundle was successfully installed and configured. You can also run this example with the emulator in a Linux or OS X environment as shown sample output below. Make sure that your user account has owner permission for the serial device in /dev.
Validate the Bundle
Next, you need to test that your bundle does indeed echo characters back by opening minicom and configuring it to use [device_node_2] that was previously determined.
Open minicom using the following command at a Linux terminal on the remote gateway device:
This command opens a view similar to the following screen capture:
Scroll down to Serial port setup and press
Use the minicom menu options on the left (i.e., A, B, C, etc.) to change desired fields. Set the fields to the same values as shown in the previous screen capture except the Serial Device should match the [device_node_2] on your target device. Once this is set, press \<ENTER> to exit from this menu.
In the main configuration menu, select Exit (do not select the
option Exit from Minicom). At this point, you have successfully started
minicom on the second serial port attached to your null modem cable
allowing minicom to act as a serial device that can send and receive
commands to your Kura bundle. You can verify this operation by typing
characters and pressing
Upon startup, minicom sends an initialization string to the serial device. These characters are sent to the minicom terminal because they were echoed back by Kura listening on the port at the other end of the null modem cable.
When you are done, exit minicom by pressing ‘
This tutorial instructed you how to write and deploy a Kura bundle on your target device that listens for serial data (coming from the minicom terminal and being received on [device_node_1]). This tutorial also demonstrated that the application echoes data back to the same serial port that is received in minicom, which acts a serial device that sends and receives data. If supported by the device, Kura may send and receive binary data instead of ASCII.